The 53rd Biennial Convention of the Southeastern Wisconsin District met Tuesday and Wednesday, June 14 and 15, 2022, on the campus of Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee.
Convention Theme: Encourage One Another
Opening Service Preacher: Pastor Keith Free, St. John, Mukwonago
former administrator of WELS Home Missions
Keynote Presentation: Martin Luther College President Richard Gurgel
The agenda for this convention included reports from representatives of most of the synod's boards and commissions and several local ministries. It also included the election of the district officers, district representatives on the governing boards of the synod's ministerial education schools, and the leaders and members of various district boards and committees.
Pre-convention information is available in the 2022 Convention Announcement Letter.
Please follow this link to register - or excuse - for this convention: 2022 Convention Registration.
Convention Reports and Other Materials
2022 Report to the Districts
Copies of the printed report have been mailed to each congregation. An electronic (.pdf) copy of this report is also available here: 2022 Report to the Districts.
Links to the .pdf version and a flipbook version of the report, as well as supplemental reports from other areas of ministry are also available at
Convention Worship
The worship folder for the Opening Service will be available at the registration table.
The worship folder for the Devotions will be distributed before the Tuesday evening devotion.
All of the following files are formatted with bookmarks for each individual report or section.
If you open them in Adobe Acrobat Reader, they will open with the bookmark panel visible.
They are also all formatted for two-sided printing.
Convention Reports
ALL Convention Materials (this will be a large file )
(will include everything from the next five files - Greetings, Convention Information, District Reports, Keynote Essay, and Other Reports - note: the Table of Contents page is not yet clickable)
(will include a welcome letter from Wisconsin Lutheran College and fraternal letters of greeting from all twelve districts of the synod.)
Convention Information Pages
(will include the Agenda, Floor Committees, Information, Parliamentary Guidelines, Circuit Meetings, Elections By-Laws, Nominations, Membership List, Serving the District, District Calendar, Evaluation Form)
Nomination Ballot and Biographies - IMPORTANT CHANGES!!
(This file replaces pages 13-24 of the Convention Information pages. It includes at least six more nominations that weren't included in the original pages. Those nominations created some numbering changes from the original pages. This files also corrects some inconsistencies in numbering in the original pages. Please download this file so that you can use the correct numbers when casting your ballot for all these offices. (Note: We'll print about 100 copies for those who may not be able to download this new document.)
District Reports
(will include District President, Circuit Changes Resolution, 2018 Minutes, Financial Report, Secretary Report, 2023 Synod Convention Delegates, and reports from the following boards or committees: Mission Board, Ministry of Christian Giving, Lutheran Schools, Worship, Special Ministries, Discipleship, Constitution)
Keynote Essay
"Encourage One Another" - MLC President Richard Gurgel
Other Reports (note: this will be a large file)
(Reports from synodical and para-synodical boards, committees, and organizations)
Post-Convention Information