2024 Convention Registration
Last Name*
First Name*
Called Workers, please use the next three boxes to identify the congregation or organization you serve. Lay delegates, use the boxes to identify the congregation of which you are a member.
Congregation / Serving Organization*
Congregation / Serving Org. - City*
Congregation / Serving Org. - ST*
 Staff Minister
 Lay Delegate
The status choices below are for called workers. (Retired lay delegates should not check "retired.")
 Not Certified
 Not Called
If you are serving in a non-parish setting (school, organization, institution, agency) or in a congregation where you are not a member, please use the next three boxes to indicate the congregation where you hold membership.
Membership Congregation
Membership Congregation - City
Membership Congregation - ST
 Full Attendance
 Partial Attendance (Partial Excuse)
 Full Excuse (unable to attend)
Use the Comment / Excuse box below to provide the reason for any excuse.
 Tuesday Noon
 Wednesday Box Lunch
Acknowledgement email will be sent to this address.
Email Address
Comments / Excuses
